Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fall Harvest Sumpin’

I don’t know what to call this. I really just made it up, which doesn't happen often, and it tasted great. It must be good for you, given the ingredients. Fresh fall veggies have so much flavor. Be sure to test the seasonings. Nothing is worse than bland squash.

1 large spaghetti squash. Trim stem, cut in half the long way, scoop out seeds. Then place cut sides down on a large pan. Place in oven and add water to pan about ¼ to ½ inch deep. Bake at 350 until a fork easily pierces them. Remove and let cool. I flip them over into a new pan without water to cool.

In the meantime,

6 medium tomatoes, chopped (I replaced 2 of the tomatoes with about 25 cherry tomatoes. They have great flavor. I removed the stems and squished them until they popped out of their skins)
1 large onion, chopped
1T. olive oil
seasoning to taste (I use Costco’s salt free seasoning, about 1T., and 1T. dried basil)

Saute the onion first in the oil. When transparent, add tomatoes and seasoning. Reduce heat to med. low and cover to encourage tomatoes to break down some. 5-10 minutes. Uncover for about 5 more to evaporate some juice. Taste to check the seasoning. Let cool.

In a new bowl, mix together:

About 6 oz. chopped feta (or good parmesan would work)
1 egg
1 c. fat free sour cream
1 c. cottage cheese

Now you are ready to assemble. I use my hands to remove the squash flesh. Place in a large bowl. Stir to break up. You may need to drain off excess water at this point. Stir in onion/tomato mixture and about 4 more ounces of feta. Put into a 9x13 baking dish. Pat flat. (I had a left over ½ c. of spaghetti sauce that I sprinkled on top.) Carefully spoon the cheese mixture over the top, spreading lightly. The squash is wet, so be gentle. Lastly, lightly sprinkle the top with some shredded cheddar or other favorite cheese.

Bake at 350 until bubbly around the edges and GBD. I let cool 20 minutes to set up before serving.

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